If your school needs more money this year planning a school fundraiser is a great choice. Cookie dough fundraisers can be very profitable and by using these tips they can even be an enjoyable way to raise money for a good cause. Here are 10 cookie dough fundraising tips that will help make your next fundraiser a success.
A little planning can go a long way in fundraising Pheasants Forever Banquet 2022 success. Before you start your fundraiser plan out dates and find volunteers. You will find that your previously made plans will make the stress of the fundraiser a lot more bearable.
When you get parents to help you will have more sales. Helpful parents can encourage friends, coworkers and associates to buy cookie dough and increase your profits. Don’t expect students to do this alone, get their parents to help.
The school fundraising company that you choose to work with will determine the success of your fundraiser. Make sure that you work with a reputable company known for helping schools to succeed.
Set Goals
If you set goals you can work to achieve them. Figure out how many tubs of cookie dough you need to sell and then set a goal so that you can work to achieve it. Share your goals with students and parents to unite your school and achieve fundraising success.A positive attitude will help any school fundraiser to go more smoothly. Whether things are going right or wrong keep a positive attitude. Your good attitude will rub off on others and will make the fundraiser more fun for all involved. Remember that students and parents will be more excited to help on the next fundraiser if they have a good experience on this one.
Students want to succeed and will work hard to make your fundraiser a success if you give them the tools that they need. Help them to understand deadlines and give plenty of reminders so that your students are able to get all of their fundraising paperwork and money in on time. You may also want to consider teaching students good ways to communicate with potential buyers. Remember safety is important so teach each student important school fundraising safety tips.
Be Organized
Organization can make or break your fundraiser. Before you start create an organizational plan and then stick to it. Be sure to keep detailed records of each cookie dough sale, money received and orders taken. This will help you to ensure that each person gets the product that they order.
Get Help
Don’t try to run a fundraiser on your own. Enlist volunteers from the very beginning of the fundraiser. You should be able to find plenty of helpful volunteers if you turn to parents, teachers and school volunteers.
Learn From Your Mistakes
Mistakes will happen in any fundraiser, so take the opportunity to learn from them. Consider creating a list of lessons learned that you can use the next time you plan a fundraiser or that you can pass on to the next fundraising head.
Have Fun
Fundraising is a lot of work, but it should still be an enjoyable process. Don’t forget to have fun and to enjoy the fundraising process from start to finish.